Hamilton’s Medical Officer of Health Dr. Elizabeth Richardson says her recommendation is Hamilton remain in the COVID Red Control zone.

We are “at a critical point in terms of where we sit in the [provincial] control measures”, she said. “I am not convinced the move into Grey will give us a significant impact in terms of severe disease and mortality. It will have a significant impact on business … At this point I am saying we stick in Red and continue to monitor the numbers”.

Dr. Richardson’s statement follows a briefing Tuesday morning by Hamilton Public Health Services Dr. Doug Sider that Hamilton is heading towards another lockdown.

“If you look at things strictly by the numbers, you’ll see that we’re sitting at that cusp of 100 cases per 100,000 population per week”, Dr. Richardson said. “Although our positivity rates in our tests aren’t yet at the point that would take us through Red, they are definitely increasing over the last few weeks. We continue to have a number of outbreaks”.

Dr. Richardson said vaccinations are making a difference in managing the severity of COVID , and this means while “certainly we could go into Grey based solely upon the numbers” she recommends remaining in Red.

“At this point, we’re certainly at a stage where we’re looking at which way do we go”, Dr. Richardson said. “That is going to continue for the coming weeks … this is going to be something we closely monitor day-to-day”.

Hamiltonians need to stay-at-home as much as possible, not gather with people outside of their households, and not go out if they are feeling unwell.

“We continue to recommend that people stay at home as much as possible, work from home as much as possible, not gather with people outside your own household”.

It is essential people continue to follow the rules, Dr. Richardson said.

The next scheduled Hamilton COVID public briefing is scheduled for next Monday, March 29, at 3pm.

18 replies on “Hamilton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Richardson Recommends Staying in Red Zone”

  1. I am glad to hear that. I am sooo tired of lockdown. Why is Hamilton hospital not testing visitors for covid? Visitors just get the question like in the store. We see a lot of outbreaks in hospital. Also we need more rapid test for the community in Hamilton. Why we don’t get the trust from the government. In Germany they will start! Why not in Hamilton also.
    We also should not just look at the numbers who got positive tested also how many people are in ICU.
    Why is Hamilton not transparence for vaccine rollout.

  2. Exactly!! Get those vaccines out!!! Keep ppl in their own city/ towns. Everyone is totally FED UP

  3. If you don’t lockdown now, we are doomed after the Easter gatherings. people think business as usual in red and will have huge gatherings on Easter weekend

    1. I agree. We also have a delayed March break for schools coming as well as Easter. That will cause spread as well. I no longer believe we can vaccinate fast enough to limit the 3rd wave without closing down again.

  4. So please explain to me why Wellington County and Waterloo Region – both of which have at most 1/3 of the daily cases that Hamilton has – has opened up vaccinations for those aged 70-79 TWO WEEKS AGO!!!! I feel like I am living in a petri dish here. Just a matter of time until I am infected. This is ridiculous!!

    1. I agree! Part of the problem is the Ontario government having tasked the individual health unit jurisdictions with making decisions as to the roll out process. This was a mistake as some areas are much more effective and efficient – Hamilton does not fall in this group, I’m afraid.
      To use Wellington as an example, vaccination planning was part of pandemic planning (which has been taking place everywhere in some form, over the last 20 years).
      As such, their staff was trained and they had all the processes in place before the vaccine arrived. They continue to mobilize staff as needed. Professional staff is trained in multiple roles so there is never any wasted time or resources. They also have a pool of casual staff whose hours can be increased or decreased depending on need. By the way, ALL their public health nurses are involved in vaccination clinics and they are making full use of the covid case and contact management staff provided by the ministry (they received 10 staff. I believe Hamilton received 30).
      So, to answer your question as to why these other health units are ahead of Hamilton in their vaccination efforts, it comes down to 2 main factors:
      – better planning
      – more effective and efficient use of resources, most especially, staff

  5. Stay in the red zone then why are u allowing 50 people in a restaurant? I cant even go to the gym to relieve my stress and my mental health well being working with the public

  6. How about more Inspectors checking Large Stores as some I feel are NOT following COVID RULES

  7. We are well over the 100 per 100000 population which the mayor pointed out last week as a trigger point for going back into lockdown.

    Although I do not want to see another lockdown I truly believe that it is in everybody’s interest that we go back into lockdown for the health and safety of all residents of Hamilton.

    I feel that the health and welfare of Hamiltonians is not being taken into account seriously and that business interests are being put above the health of the people.

  8. A partial lockdown does not work. Big business is still up and running. Costco, Walmart, liquor stores etc. The only ones hit Buy a lockdown is small business in the personal service industry. Gyms, salons etc. You want to lockdown, than everything is locked down, EVERYTHING!!

  9. Our friends who were born in the same year as my wife and me got their shots in Brantford. I am so upset that we will not be able to schedule ours until May. This roll out has and is being executed without any precision or logic! Other friends have gone to A pharmacy outside of our region and got their shots as well. Was Hillier really a general? Thank God we were not at war. He would have missed it!

  10. I am pleased we are staying in the red zone. As I see it from reading the newspaper most larger outbreaks are directly in the hospitals. Keep visitors out and contain those patients in my view.

    I also believe opening the larger gyms that have the capacity to stay within distancing requirements to minimum 50 people ,like restaurants,should be an immediate step.

  11. My wife’s a Nurse and it Angers me greatly visitors are not tested only questioned 😠like anyone’s telling the truth at this point. Further putting our heroes at risk or those not vaccinated yet. These self righteous ignorant people who’s areas are in lockdown ie Toronto who should be only in there area, think there entitled to ignore guidelines spread infection further. Absolutely embarrassing

  12. Why are people with compormised immune systems continously being bypassed for the vaccinations? It is known by people Health Card what medical conditions they have and how much at risk people are with compromised immune systems. I just do not understand your decision making process when it comes to the vaccinations or is it because this group does not make enough noise or complaints so you just ignore this group of individuals. The vaccination process in the province of Ontario in fact all of Canada is absolutely pathetic.

  13. What is the reason for this secrecy about the basketball group. Someone in the public domain should not have secret things unless they give a reason.


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