The Public Record depends on the support of readers just like you who believe in the value of high-quality journalism in building a better and more informed Hamilton.
Our patrons make it possible for all Hamiltonians to benefit from independent journalism that serves only the public, and that focuses upon improving our civic affairs.
If you are on this page because you are a patron of our journalism – thank you, thank you, thank you!
If you are not already a member of our Press Club, it’s easy to sign up and join hundreds of your fellow Hamiltonians in funding local journalism here.
Note: Many of our patrons choose to not be listed here. In accordance with our Code of Ethics and Journalistic Practice, any patron who gives more than $250 to a crowdfunding campaign or more than $500 during a year is listed automatically

Anderson, Catherine Helmer, Jesse Nason, Jason
B, Brian Henley, Brian Pickard, Chris
Belmore, Mike Heydon, Randy Pray, Evan
Browne, Kevin Hill, Mark Q, Berby
Capizzano, David Hunter, Asher Quinlan, Roberto
Carpenter, Tod Ince, Ashley R, Tyler
Chenoweth, Linda Dianne James, Lory Ranalli, Grant
Chewvray, John Jelly, Dan Rejhon, Mark
Chivers, Jennifer Juta Greenbery, Avishka Reynolds, Ian
Clearcable Networks K, Deborah Richardson, Mark
Coakley, Tordis and John Kappheim, Adam Roberts, Jacqueline
Cooke, Terry Kemeny, Jeremy Rutherford, Geoff
Corsini, Ron Kroetsch, Cameron Sabourin, Mark
Crawford, Graham Lane, Kristina Saeed, Huzaifa
Crawford, Jeannie Lanigan, Brendan Saunders, Vivian
D, Tom and Allie Lessard, Martin Sitter, Laura
D’Ambrosio, Cassandra Lodder, Anton Starr, Damin
Davidson, E Luke Stermann, Doreen
Dawson, Sean MacPherson, George Strack, James
Durand Coffee Madadi, Salar Strang, Ryan
Fink, John Manning, Paul Syyaswamy, Ash
Flood, Tom Martin, Rochelle Tennier, Anne
Furukawa, Mark Mason, Paul Treen, John
Gallagher, Pat McAuley, Scott Turcotte, Kerry
Gibbons, Danielle McGreal, Ryan Turnbull, Erinn
Gibson, Glenn McKay, Grace Tytus, Marc
Gill, Ted McPherson, Cathy Veit, Oliver M
Gillis, Eric Mehlenbacher, Bill Venning, Candy
Glenny-Burke, Gail Michal, Dave Walsh, Aaron
Grande, Matt Mike & Megan Warry-Poljanski, Sarah
Gregoire, D Mildren, Gina Weinberg, Paul
Guitar, Emma Millar, Derek White, Drake
H, Dave Moniz, Michael Wood, Brady
Hamilton, Dan Morris, John Zilik, Marie
Harris, Eric Mugford, Dale and Roz

Links to past crowdfunding campaigns on Indiegogo
Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Summer 2013
Winter 2014
Spring 2014
Summer 2014
Fall 2014
Winter 2015
Spring 2017