Hamilton’s City Council appointed Election Compliance Audit Committee will consider two applications for compliance audit regarding Ward 7 By-Election candidates.
The committee, which was recently found by the Ontario Ombudsman to have held an illegal closed meeting, has been forced by citizens in the past to declare violations of election rules, but has never acted on violations.
The complaints, filed by two citizens, are related to campaign in-kind contributing and campaigning expenses for Howard Rabb and the failure to retain an independent auditor by Uzma Qureshi.
Live video starts at 7:00pm, the meeting begins at 7:30pm
Full Agenda: https://www.thepublicrecord.ca/static/agendas/2016/September-6-2016-Hamilton-Hamilton-Election-Compliance-Audit-Committee-Agenda.pdf
Hamilton City Hall Election Compliance Audit Committee for September 6, 2016