The Hamilton Centre Ontario NDP riding association will meet on November 22 to debate two motions – one related to the expulsion of MPP Sarah Jama from the Ontario NDP caucus and another regarding the war between Israel and Hama in Gaza.

Accidental Mass To Line

The riding association executive announced the meeting in a mass email which accidentally exposed members’ email addresses in the “to” line.

Patrick Antilla, Vice President of the ONDP riding association says, “it was entirely an administrative error on my part. I understand the frustration and disappointment felt by members of my Riding Association and it’s completely legitimate.”

“This won’t happen again, and was an honest mistake in the first place.”

People who received the email forwarded it to TPR.

There have been recent incidents of accidental mass emails in Hamilton. The City of Hamilton revealed the identities of around 450 vote-by-mail registrants during last year’s municipal election.

The Debate About Sarah Jama and Gaza

Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama was removed from the NDP caucus by leader Marit Stiles back on October 23.

Stiles removed Jama following “a number of unilateral actions” following Jama’s X posts and statements regarding the war in Gaza.

The final action was reading a speech in the Legislature which differed from the one shared with the NDP leader.

Shortly after the removal, the Conservative majority voted to censure her and direct the Speaker not to recognize her in the Legislature. The NDP caucus member voted against the censure.

Since this time, numerous NDP riding associations are calling for a review of Stiles’ leadership.

The Hamilton Centre NDP association executive wishes to join in this call.

The email read:

“Hello members of the Hamilton Centre ONDP Riding Association,

We are inviting you to participate in a virtual General Membership Meeting to discuss and vote on two emergency resolutions related to Sarah Jama to be submitted to the ONDP Provincial Council meeting which will occur on November 25, 2023.

MPP Sarah Jama was removed from the ONDP caucus a few weeks ago following her statement for a cease fire and an end to the Israeli occupation of Gaza. The executive of the Hamilton Centre ONDP Riding Association have been organizing around the removal of our duly elected representative from the ONDP caucus.

In order for the Hamilton Centre Riding Association Executive to submit these emergency resolutions for adoption at the Provincial Council on November 25, they must first be adopted by our Hamilton Centre Riding Association at a General Membership Meeting. Check your inbox the day before the GMM for the resolutions. We must pass these resolutions at our GMM on November 22 so we can then take them to the Provincial Council on November 25. It is important that you participate and have your say.

The Hamilton Centre GMM will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, November 22nd at 7:30PM
Location: Zoom (Register below to participate)

All New Democratic Party Members in good standing who reside within the Hamilton Centre Riding are invited to participate and vote.”

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: November 13, 2023
Last edited: November 13, 2023
Author: Joey Coleman
Edit Record
v. 1.0.0 original version