I’m going to try something new, a blog-like scrapbook of items that I would normally tweet and forget. The primary purpose of Joey’s Notebook is to ensure easy future reference of information, something which is not possible with tweets. This differs from Coleman’s Notes, which are full posts of analysis, opinion, blog, or insights. (take your pick of what term you prefer).
Today’s photo: the new City Manager is giving a press conference during tonight’s Council meeting. The podium and backdrop are set-up.

  • Hamilton Chamber announces Mayor’s Breakfast for April 10, tickets on sale now.
  • Tomorrow’s Local Planning Appeal Tribunal motions hearing on the Commercial Mixed Use Zoning bylaw is cancelled, a third Pre-Hearing date is set for April 10, 10am at Dundas Town Hall. Case number PL171450
  • Mayor Eisenberger’s Office received delivery of an oversized version of Graham Crawford’s Pro-LRT logos poster this morning. The Mayor is meeting with Ontario’s Minister of Transportation Jeff Yurek tomorrow at City Hall. Flamborough-Glanbrook MPP Donna Skelly will be in the meeting as well. Photo on my Instagram.
  • New on The Public Record: Victor Veri’s Estate withdraws his LPAT appeal of the Downtown Secondary Plan, and the City seeks to get the DTSP put into partial force and effect.
  • City confirms no appeals of the February 21, 2019 Committee of Adjustment approval of variances to the 98 James Street South tall building development. This is the site of the former James Street Baptist Church.
  • The Toronto Star has a new City Hall newsletter, it’s worth checking out if you want to follow Toronto City Hall trends and events.
  • The Selection Committee meeting failed to make quorum at its 1pm start time, making quorum at 1:05pm. They followed proper public procedures prior to entering into closed session.
  • A note on Selection Committee agendas, presently, the agenda says “Interviews for the various City of Hamilton Agencies, Boards and Committees” for the closed sessions. I told Selection Committee Chair Brenda Johnson that I believe the title to be too vague, and that as such it does not meet the Open Meeting requirements of being descriptive. When the Committee is conducting interviews for two or more different ABCs, they will use the “various” descriptor. When interviewing for two or less, they will name the ABC.
  • My Twitter thread of tonight’s Council meeting is here.
Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Last edited: March 27, 2019
Author: Joey Coleman
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Note: for Scrapbook posts, versioning only changes if there are changes to existing content such as a correction, clarification, or typographical error.