McMaster’s full-time undergraduate students elected Piper Plavins the 2025/26 McMaster Students Union president. The results of the election were posted overnight.
The following is my blog post on the annual debate.
The annual McMaster Students Union presidential debate brought out a few hundred students on Tuesday.
The three candidates debated various issues during the two-hour debate.
There was not much discussion of municipal issues: the candidates are students focused on student issues.
Last year, AI and plagiarism policies were the most prominent topic of debate. This year, the debate was about how to ensure students have more fun.
Related: my earlier blog post last week looking at the platforms and what they reveal about how McMaster undergraduates view the City.
The first question about supporting student clubs included a new issue: McMaster University is experiencing enrolment declines. (More below)

Town and Gown
Housing and Scumlords
The candidates support the City of Hamilton’s rental licensing pilot. The City implemented the “pilot” in neighbourhoods surrounding McMaster University and Mohawk College.
Candidates say they want to see more action regarding landlords pressuring students to waive their tenant rights, failing to maintain properties, and the cost of housing.
Local Public Transit is Working, They Want More Commuter Services
Only two issues with the HSR were brought forth by candidates: one wants a direct bus between McMaster University and Hamilton Mountain.
Another candidate says they wish to see more buses when classes get out on Friday afternoons.
A candidate says newly installed bus shelters have made using the bus more pleasant.
The lack of complaints is the result of service enhancements in recent years.
Beginning in September 2019, the HSR increased B-Line express bus service frequency and hours of service. The 10 B-Line now operates seven days a week during all HSR service hours.
The 51-University bus now operates with a 7.5-minute peak headway using 60-foot articulated buses.
In 2023, the HSR unveiled its plan to completely redesign the bus network. When the changes are implemented, an express bus will operate from Heritage Green in Stoney Creek to McMaster University via Mohawk Road. [Route 50]

Cambridge, London, and Destinations West
The candidates say McMaster students need better bus service to Cambridge, London, and other cities west of Hamilton.
GO Transit offers frequent service between McMaster and Peel Region with various Highway 47 routes. There is a less frequent route to Guelph and Waterloo.
Ending Parking Enforcement in Westdale and Ainslie Wood
One candidate said they will lobby the City of Hamilton to end parking enforcement around McMaster University, saying the City is taking ‘hundreds of thousands of dollars’ from students that are needed for “food, drink, tuition, textbooks.”
Keeping the Party on Campus
The McMaster Students Union is forecasting a $400,000 to $500,000 operating deficit this academic year.
The deficit is intentional; the student union hosted numerous on-campus events encouraging students to celebrate major events and McMaster’s Homecoming on campus.
Paying for the Party With Less Money
One of the referendum ballot questions is to increase the MSU fee by $20 per year to fund events.
A few questions asked the candidates how they will fund their promises if the referendum fails – especially because McMaster’s full-time undergraduate enrolment is declining.
The deflections would make a professional politician blush.
This is a new issue for student politicians. Enrolment has only ever increased.
[Note for future: watch to see what happens as new housing supply comes online at the same time that enrolment declines]
Looking Ahead to 2026 and MSU Activities at City Hall
Let’s ‘rewind’ to January 2017, twenty months before the 2018 municipal election.
McMaster students were not discussing municipal issues. However, eleven months later, it was the McMaster Students Union’s testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, following City Council’s gerrymander of ward boundaries, that was decisive in changing Hamilton’s ward boundaries.
These changes created the conditions for change at City Hall in 2018 and 2022.
This is to say, if students get involved, they matter.
The McMaster Silhouette’s coverage of the MSU election is available online here:
TheSil’s coverage includes a summary of the debate and candidate platforms.
Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: January 31, 2025
Last updated: January 31, 2025
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version