Hamilton’s Public Library is moving forward with plans to open an Indigenous-focused library branch in the former Marine Discovery Centre on Pier 7.

In documents released on Friday, the Library Board states there are six guiding directions for the new library branch: the space being “publicly owned and publicly accessible,” “retain public access,” have a “viable capital and operating funding model,” have an “effective governance model” to ensure the involvement of community partners and Indigenous groups, the new branch align with the objectives of the Urban Indigenous Strategy, and be a community hub that includes “an opportunity for an Indigenous-designed and led community gathering space,” and “celebrates” Hamilton’s heritage.

The HPL plans to engage with the Indigenous and broader communities next year to hear what people wish to see in the new library branch.

The plan and budget will be presented to Hamilton City Council in mid-2026 for approval.

Indigenous Gathering Space: A Focus of New Branch

Foundational to the new branch will be an Indigenous “Gathering Area” at the centre of the design and development of the space. It will be “defined, led and staffed by local Indigenous peoples.”

A Library, Exhibition Space, and a Cafe

The Library will include an exhibition space, a cafe, and visitor’s facilities such as washroom.

Expanding Public Engagement, Hiring a Consultant

The Library will hire a consultant to assist with strategy and organizing public engagement sessions. In addition to the consultant, the Library will provide honourariums of $362 per half-day per meeting for up to three Indigenous members of its community working group.

Production Details
v. 1.0.0
Published: September 23, 2024
Last updated: September 23, 2024
Author: Joey Coleman
Update Record
v. 1.0.0 original version

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